Custom Embossed Military Dog Tag Sets as low as $1.35 set

See your tags before you order them! 

Custom embossed with up to 5 lines, 15 characters per line on each tag. Characters available  A-Z, 0-9, & . ,  : '  -  / (Inquire about special characters as needed for quantity projects, only.)

Prices are for same data on each tag or individual data on each tag. For individual data, a simple 5 column database file, such as Microsoft Excel must be provided according to our specifications. 

A set of U.S... military issue dog tags with 5.5" and 27" stainless steel chains.  Tags and chains are available in standard issue dull stainless steel. Made in USA. You can imprint with official military style:
Last Name
First Name and Initial
S.S... #
Blood Type

Or customize with whatever you want. Great for medical alert tags. Kids love them. Make a great gift for an affordable price. Spaces and punctuation count as a space.

0-9 sets$9.99 set
10-24 sets$4.99 set
25-49 sets$3.75 set
50-99 sets$2.75 set
100-249 sets$1.99 set
250-999 sets$1.89 set
1,000-2,499 sets$1.50 set
2,500 + sets$1.35 set
A set is 2 identical custom embossed
tags and 1-5.5" and 1-27" stainless
steel chain.